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Onderzoek van de sectie Community Genetics & Public Health Genomics is ingebed in de onderzoeksinstituten Amsterdam Reproduction and Development en Amsterdam Public Health.

De sectie Community Genetics & Public Health Genomics is de landelijke expertisegroep voor ethische, juridische en (psycho)sociale thema’s en implementatie aspecten van genetica en genomics. Hierbij spelen we in op ontwikkelingen in en vragen uit beleid, praktijk en de samenleving en richten we ons op het transparant maken van verschillende perspectieven. De nadruk ligt hierbij op maatschappelijk relevante vraagstukken.


Amsterdam Reproduction and Development

Amsterdam Public Health

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Huidige onderzoeksprojecten
Eerdere onderzoeksprojecten

CRADLE: Consented RAre Disease screening early in LifE
Project leader: Wendy Rodenburg (RIVM)
Project members: Lidewij Henneman, Suzanne Onstwedder and other CRADLE experts
PhD student: Saskia Smits
RIVM Strategic Program (SPR) 2024-2027

SIMPATHIC: Accelerating drug repurposing for rare neurological, neurometabolic and neuromuscular disorders by
exploiting SIMilarities in clinical and molecular PATHology

Project leaders: Peter Bram ‘t Hoen (RadboudUMC), Clara van Karnebeek (AmsterdamUMC)
Project members: Martina Cornel, Tessel Rigter and other SIMPATHIC Consortium members
PhD student: Esther Buhrman
EC Horizon program 06 2023-2028

PRESAGE: Public Realm Entrance and Societal Alignment of Germline Editing 
Project leader: S. Riedijk (ErasmusMC)
Project members: M.C. Cornel, L. Henneman, C.G. van El and other PRESAGE Consortium members
PhD student: W. Geuverink
NWO NWA 2022-2026

PROPHET: A Personalized Prevention Roadmap for the Future Healthcare
Project member: C.G. van El and other PROPHET Consortium members
PhD student: L. Kreeftenberg
EC Horizon Program 2.1 2022-2026

ERUDIGIT: Empowering citizens for responsible use of direct to consumer genetic testing
Project leaders: T. Rigter, M.C. Cornel
PhD student: D. Bruins
ZonMW 2022-2026

DNA-screening: onderzoek naar de morele aanvaardbaarheid, voorwaarden en rol van de overheid
Project leader: M. Plantinga (UMC Groningen)
Project member: L. Henneman
PostDoc: Jacobien Niebuur
ZonMW 2022-2023

IMITAS: IMplementation of fIrst Trimester Anomaly Scan
Projectleaders: M. Bekker (UMCU), M. Haak (LUMC)
Project members: L. Henneman and other IMITAS Consortium members
PhD students: K. Bronsgeest (LUMC), E. Lust (UMCU)
ZonMw 2020-2024

AFFIRM study: Prediction of adverse pregnancy outcome by fetal fraction measurement in NIPT
Project supervisors: M.E. Bekker (UMCU), L. Henneman, P. Scheffer (UMCU), E. Schuit (UMCU).
PhD student: E. Becking
ZonMw project 2020-2024

Emerging challenges of expanding non-invasive prenatal testing
Projectsupervisors: P. Borry (KU Leuven), L. Henneman, J. Vermeesch (KU Leuven)
PhD student: Z. Claesen (KU Leuven)
Project 2020-2023

EXACT: European network staff Exchange for integrAting precision health in the health Care sysTems
Projectmember: C.G. van El
European Commission Grant 2019-2024

PANDA study: Psychosocial aspects of newborn bloodspot screening
Project leader: L. Henneman
Investigators: T. van Dijk, A. Kater, L. van den Heuvel
ZonMw 2019-2022

WGS-first approach: “one-test fits all” to diagnose children with rare genetic disorders
Project supervisors: L. Vissers (RadboudUMC), J.K. Ploos van Amstel (UMCU), G. Frederix (UMCU), L. Henneman
PhD student: R.A.C. Olde Keizer (UMCU)
ZonMw 2017-2021

PCS: Preconception carrier screening in the Netherlands: advantages and consequences,
societal support and ethical framework
Project leader: L. Henneman
Investigator: A. Woudstra, L. van den Heuvel, D. Klein
ZonMw 2020-2021

Dynamics of Reproductive technologies
Project leader: L. Henneman, P. Lakeman, M.C. Cornel, S. Repping
Investigator: I. van Dijke
Amsterdam Reproduction & Development 2017-2021

TRIDENT study: Trial by Dutch laboratories for Evaluation of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing
NIPT Consortium
Investigators Community Genetics: L. Henneman & K. van der Meij
ZonMw 2014-2021

Ethical and legal issues of Personalised Medicine (ELSI-PM)
Project leader: M.C. Cornel
Investigators: T. Rigter
ZonMw 2018-2020

Pharmacogenetics DPD pilot
Project leader: M.C. Cornel
Investigators: F.Martens, T. Rigter
Amsterdam Public Health, Personalised Medicine Grant 2019

VIMP Preconceptie dragerschaponderzoek Op Maat (POM)
Project leader: L. Henneman
Investigators: M. Jansen
ZonMW 2018-2019

Personalised Medicine: eligible or not?
Project leader: M.C. Cornel, W. Rodenburg
Investigator: M. Jansen, T. Rigter
RIVM/ZonMw 2014-2017

PREvention of Chronic DIseases: PRECeDI
Project leader: M.C. Cornel
Investigator: C.G. van El
European Commission Grant 2015-2016

Equipping European Primary Care Health Professionals to Deal with
Genetics:  Gen.Equip
Project leader: M.C. Cornel, H. Skirton
Investigator: I. Houwink
European commission Grant 2014-2017

Implementation of n=1 trial methodology in the assessment of health
care reimbursement
Project leaders: S.S. Weinreich, Jan Verschuuren
ZonMw 2014

Genomic Medicine
Project leader: A.C.J.W. Janssens
Investigators: J.G. Kers, F.K. Martens, E.C.M. Tonk;
ERC starting grant 2014-2016

The effects of periconceptional and prenatal folic acid
supplementation on congenital anomalies and preterm birth
Project leader: M.C. Cornel  Investigator: F. Blom; Project leaders: M. van
Poppel, D. de Smit, ZonMw 2011-2013

Preconceptioneel dragerschaponderzoek Op Maat (POM): Verdere
ontwikkeling en evaluatie van genetisch dragerschaponderzoek in
specifieke risicogroepen
Investigator: K. Holtkamp, Project leader: L. Henneman, P. Lakeman, M.C.
van Maarle
ZonMw 2013-2016

Widening scope of prenatal screening by non-invasive prenatal
testing (NIPT). Consequences for counseling, informed decision
making and screening policy   
Investigator: R. van Schendel, Project leaders: A.M.A. Lachmeijer, E.
Pajkrt,  L. Henneman
ZonMw/ CSG 2013-2015

From rationing to rationality: an n-of-1 trial service for off-label
medicines for rare (neuromuscular) diseases
Investigator: C. Vrinten; Project leader S.S. Weinreich. Project advisor:
M.C. Cornel

Genes, brains and criminality in context: Assessment of knowledge
development in genomics and neurobiology and the transfer thereof
into psychiatric forensic practice 
Investigator: C.G. van El, Project leader: T. Pieters
CSG 2012-2013

Teaching ourselves how to assess personalized health technologies
Project leader: S.S. Weinreich, Project advisors: M.C. Cornel, A. Pieters,
J.W. Twisk

Towards Best Practice Guidelines for Genetic Testing of Monogenetic
Subtypes of Diabetes Mellitus
Investigators: T. Rigter, S. Weinreich; Project leaders: L .Henneman, M.C.
CSG 2011-2013

Best Practice Guidelines for Clinical Genetic Services
Investigators: T. Rigter, L. Henneman; Project leader M.C. Cornel
EuroGentest EU FP7, 2011-2013

A wealth of Data? Blurring boundaries and user-roles at the interface
of genetic, medical and personal information
Investigators: S.R. van Teeffelen, C. Douglas; Project leader C.G. van El,
M.C. Cornel
CSG 2010-2013

Evaluation of population newborn screening practices for rare
disorders in Member States of the European Union (WC2009-096)
Investigators: T. Rigter, S.S. Weinreich; Project leader M.C. Cornel

Communicating breast cancer risks: a genetic counsellor’s role in
improving patient understanding to increase informed decisionmaking
Project leaders:  D.R.M. Timmermans, L. Henneman, F.H. Menko
KWF, 2004-2012

Newborn bloodspot screening for Pompe disease
Investigators: S.S. Weinreich, T. Rigter, C.G. van El; Project leader: A.J.
Reuser (ErasmusMC); Project advisor: M.C. Cornel

The governance of preventive genomics
Investigator: E. Vermeulen; Project leaders: M.C. Cornel;
Project advisors: C.G van El, L. Henneman
CSG 2009-2011

Reshaping criteria for screening in the age of genomics contemporary history and users perspective
Investigator: C.G. van El, L. Krijgsman; Project leaders:  M.C. Cornel, T. Pieters
MAG-CMSB, CSG, 2004-2008



Economic evaluations of exome sequencing for rare diseases within pediatric care (uu.nl)
Investigator: Richelle Olde Keizer
Promotors: Prof. dr. J.K. Ploos van Amstel, Prof. dr. L.E.L.M. Vissers, Prof. dr. L. Henneman
Co-promotor: Dr. G.W.J. Frederix

Dissertation 5 September 2024

Implementing genome-wide non-invasive prenatal testing in a national prenatal screening program
Investigator: K.R.M. van der Meij
Promotors: prof. dr. L. Henneman & prof. dr. M.C. Cornel
Co-promotors: prof. dr. E.A. Sistermans & dr. M.M. Weiss

Dissertation 23 November 2022

The dynamics of reproductive genetic technologies: now and in the future. Perspectives of stakeholders.
Investigator: van Dijke I
Promotors: prof. dr. L. Henneman & prof. dr. M.C. Cornel
Co-promotors: Goddijn & Lakeman

Dissertation 1 July 2022

Polygenic risk prediction of common diseases
Investigator: dr. Forike Martens
Promotors: M.C. Cornel & A.C.J.W. Janssens
Co-promotor: E.C.M. Tonk

Dissertation 20 December 2021

Increased Nuchal translucency: from etiology to clinical consequences.
Investigator: Kyra Stuurman
Promotors: prof EJ Meijers-Heijboer & prof L Henneman
Co-promotor: dr M Elting

Dissertation 15 December 2021

Genetically isolated populations: Implications for genetic care
Investigator: Mathijssen I.B.
Promotor: prof. H. Meijers-Heijboer
Co-promotors: dr. L. Henneman & dr. M.C. van Maarle

Dissertation 4 April 2018

Implementing carrier screening in a changing landscape – Perspectives of public and professional stakeholder
Investigator:  K.C.A. Holtkamp
Promotor: prof. M.C. Cornel
Co-promotors: dr. L .Henneman & P. Lakeman

Dissertation 19 October 2017

Implementing Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): Perspectives of patients and professionals. 
Investigator: R.V. van Schendel
Promotor: prof. M.C. Cornel
Copromotors: dr. L. Henneman & prof. E. Pajkrt

Dissertation 7 December 7 2016

Implementing genetic tests. Infertility and newborn bloodspot screening. 
Investigator: Marleen Jansen
Promotors: S.A. Morré & M.C. Cornel.
Copromotors: S. Ouburg & HJ van Kranen.

Dissertation 27 January 2016

Studying the effects of periconceptional folic acid supplementation. Travel the world and the seven seas.
Investigator: F. Blom
Promotor: prof. M.C. Cornel
Copromotor: dr. M.N.M. van Poppel

Dissertation 1 May 2015

Addressing reproductive risk in consanguineous couples
Investigator: M.E. Teeuw
Promotors: prof. M.C. Cornel & prof. P. Heutink
Copromotors; dr. L .Henneman & prof L.P. ten Kate

Dissertation 28 April 2015

Retinoblastoma: molecular genetics and clinical consequences
Investigator: C.J. Dommering
Promotors: H. Meijers-Heijboer & A.C. Moll
Co-promotor: L. Henneman

Dissertation 11 February 2015

Translating the dynamics of genetics into health care practice
Investigator: T. Rigter
Promotor: prof M.C. Cornel
Copromotors: dr. L. Henneman & S.S. Weinreich

Dissertation 24 October 2014

Training in genetics and genomics for primary health care
Investigator: E.J.F. Houwink
Promotors: M.C. Cornel & G.J. Dinant;
Copromotors: C.P.M. van der Vleuten & L. Henneman

Dissertation 20 December 2013

Susceptibility to type 2 diabetes: perceptions and family communication regarding inheritance and primary prevention
Investigator: S.C.M. van Esch
Project leaders: M.C. Cornel & F. Snoek

Dissertation 1 February 2013

Screening for Anaemia and Haemoglobinopathy Before and During Pregnancy: A question of ethnicity? 
Investigator:  S.M.J.P. Jans
Promotors: M.C. Cornel & A.L.M. Lagro-Janssen
Co-promotors: A. de Jonge & L. Henneman

Dissertation 14 November 2012

Family history information and common chronic disease prevention: Type 2 diabetes as an example
Investigator: M. Wijdenens
Project leaders: L. Henneman & D.R.M. Timmermans.

Dissertation 27 April 2012

Moral dilemmas of pregnant women who are offered prenatal screening for congenital defects
Investigator:  E. Garcia
Project leader:  D.R.M. Timmermans & E. van Leeuwen

Dissertation 23 February 2012

The Risky Self: how genetic risk information affects self-image and health behavior
Investigator: L. Claassen
Project leaders:  D.R.M. Timmermans & L. Henneman & T.M. Marteau

Dissertation 1 June 2011

The new genomics: challenges for ethics
Investigator: J.E. Lunshof
Project leaders: M.C. Cornel & R. Chatwick, T. Pieters

Dissertation 1 December 2008

Risk perception and psychological well-being of pregnant women who are offered prenatal screening for congenital defects
Investigator:  J.H. Kleinveld
Project leader: D.R.M. Timmermans

Dissertation 2 December 2008

Preconceptional screening for carriers of haemoglobinopathies and/or cystic fibrosis, dependent on ethnic background.
Feasibility of a combined offer in the Dutch Society
Investigator:  P. Lakeman
Project leader: L.P. ten Kate & M.C. Cornel & L.Henneman

Dissertation 2 October 2008

Knowledge of genetics relevant for medical practice among general practitioners and medical specialists
Investigator: M.J.H. Baars
Project leaders: L.P. ten Kate, A. Scherpbier, L. Henneman

Dissertation 25 May 2007

Preconceptional cystic fibrosis carrier screening – opportunities for implementation
Investigator:  F.A.M. Weijers-Poppelaars
Promotors: L.P. ten Kate & G. van der Wal
Co-promotor: L. Henneman

Dissertation 14 January 2004

Preconceptional cystic fibrosis carrier screening – desirability and feasibility in the Netherlands
Investigator:  L. Henneman
Promotors: L.P. ten Kate & H.M. van der Ploeg

Dissertation 19 June 2002